If you have migrated an existing typo3 system to a new server you might face problems creating new content elements.

In the Templvoila page module you might get an erros message such as
“Sorry, you didn’t have proper permissions to perform this change.”
(or in german: “Sie haben nicht die nötigen Rechte, um diese Änderung durchzuführen.”)

Also using the list list module to create a new content element results in an error message such as:
“2: SQL error: ‘Field ‘tx_srlanguagemenu_languages’ doesn’t have a default value’ (tt_content:NEW4e3f9a25bd6da)”


To solve this problem, check your mysql server configuration. If the STRICT_TRANS_TABLES is set such as in the following lines, typo3 is not able to set 0 for fields which are configured to be not null.

# Set the SQL mode to strict

To solve the problem, modify this configuration to

# Set the SQL mode to strict

And restart your database server.
Now the content creation within typo3 should works as assumed.

Typo3: Error “Sorry, you didn’t have proper permissions to perform this change.”

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