Since september 2013 a couple of eclipse project builds fail with a maven infrastructure exception such as
Error injecting: org.hudsonci.maven.eventspy_30.DelegatingEventSpy

Eclipse Common Build Infrsatructure (CBI) Hudson Server:

The reason for this, was a general infrastructure change on the environment. The default settings for jobs were switched to JDK 7 and Maven 3.1.0 which are not working fine with Tycho 0.19.0 / 0.18.0. In the threads referenced at the end of this post, some people talk about required changes in Hudson to support the new maven release. However, the CBI still stucks with an old version of the Hudson CI server (hopefully they will update soon).

To fix this issue for the EMF Feature Model project, we changed our Hudson build job’s configuration to explictly to use a JDK 6

JDK 6  Configuration
JDK 6 Configuration

and Maven 3.0.5
Maven 3.0.5
Maven 3.0.5

Links for further information:

David Williams described a similar issue on the CBI Dev mailing list:

Some further notice can be found in the eclipse hudson forum

Eclipse CBI Build Problems with Maven 3

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