jQuery Mobile – Bar54 http://www.bar54.de Software Engineering, Web Technologies, eCommerce and some more Sat, 19 May 2018 15:03:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.4 JQuery Mobile: Change Color of SVG Icons http://www.bar54.de/2014/02/jquery-mobile-change-color-of-svg-icons/ Sun, 16 Feb 2014 13:11:45 +0000 http://www.bar54.de/?p=653 Since version 1.4, JQuery Mobile provides an SVG-based icon set for high-quality scalable icons.
Out-of-the-box, the icons are provided in two different color schemes: default (white) and alt-icon (black).

To give your user interface an individual style, you might want to change the color to something more specific such as green, black or a specific rgb color.
Using CSS to change the font color of your button or link containing the icon will not work, as the jQuery Mobile svg icons are realized as background images.

The solution to change the icons color, is to modify the svg image realizing the icon itself.
To do so, open jquery mobiles stylesheet (e.g. “jquery.mobile.inline-svg-1.4.1.min.css”) and find the definition of the icon you would like to change (e.g. .ui-icon-delete:after)
The styles are always defined as “.ui-icon-:after”. The icon style definitions contain background images with the SVG images encoded in a data url.

To change the color, you do not need to understand the full encoded svg data url. You just need to know that shapes in an SVG are defined by polygones. In the example below, search for the string “polygon%20fill%3D%22%23FFF”:


polygon%20fill%3D%22%23FFF“ stands for a polygon filled with the color white (FFF).

So to define your custom icon with a different color, copy the style definition into your own css stylesheet file and replace “FFF” with your prefered hex color definition.
Note: You should not modify the original jquery mobile file. Otherwise your modifications could be overridden with the next update.

JQM: Deactivate Button after preventDefault() http://www.bar54.de/2014/02/jqm-deactivate-button-after-preventdefault/ Sun, 16 Feb 2014 11:00:54 +0000 http://www.bar54.de/?p=647 Developing a mobile app, one might want to realize an action when a button is clicked without any page transition.
An alternative to do this with JQueryMobile (JQM) is to prevent the event’s default behavior within your event handler:

  <a id="mybutton"  data-role="button">MyButton</a>
        $('#mybutton').click(function(event) {
            // some action

However, this will keep your button in an active state which does feel very responsive.

Simply returning true at the end of your handler function or trying to trigger the event again will not work. JQuery internally removes all flags of the event.

The solution to bring your button back into it’s not active status at the end of your handler, you need to manually remove jquery mobiles active button class.
This is supported by a global variable $.mobile.activeBtnClass.

So just change your handler code above and add the assignment of this class at the end:

        $('#mybutton').click(function(event) {
            // some action
jQuery Mobile: Removing 300ms click delay http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/jquery-mobile-removing-300ms-click-delay/ http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/jquery-mobile-removing-300ms-click-delay/#respond Fri, 27 Dec 2013 13:44:31 +0000 http://www.bar54.de/blog/?p=532 jQuery Mobile adds a 300ms delay to clicks to be able to detect double clicks. 300ms is not long, but influences the user experience. If your application does not make use of double clicks, you can reduce or completely remove this delay (in case you missed this when performing the initial app development).

A good jQuery plugin to do this is jquery.mobile.fastButtons.js available at

The plugin is easy to install and uses an approach to replace the click events with vclick events which are faster applied. The plugin is also very lightweight. So just a small overhead in loading and only replaces the default click handler.

To enable the plugin, simply download the file, place it in your application and include the script file after the jQuery and jQuery Mobile libraries. For example:

  &lt;script src="js/lib/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
  &lt;script src="js/lib/mobile/jquery.mobile-1.4.0.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
  &lt;script src="js/lib/jquery.mobile.fastButtons.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

Other approaches, such as the fastbutton plugin add a layer div or span on top of your application and try to estimate the element visually present under this layer. This is done by pixel calculations with a small deviation. It works fine for static elements not located close to other elements. But for example, if your header contains an icon close to the screens border to open a sliding panel, the click behaviour can be completely messed up du to this deviation.

http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/jquery-mobile-removing-300ms-click-delay/feed/ 0
jQuery Mobile: Controlling loading animation at any time http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/jquery-mobile-controlling-loading-animation-at-any-time/ http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/jquery-mobile-controlling-loading-animation-at-any-time/#respond Fri, 27 Dec 2013 13:04:40 +0000 http://www.bar54.de/blog/?p=530 jQuery Mobile provides a loader widget to display a loading animation (also known as spinner, ajax loader, etc…). jQuery automatically uses this dialog, when it comes to loading ajax content. This dialog is also usefull if you do some processing other than ajax content loading, to provide a visual feedback to the user.

To programmatically control he loading dialog, jQuery provides a Javascript API. For example, you can show the dialog by calling


or hide the dialog via


However, what is missing in the documention, this control is not available at anytime during your program execution. As described in this stack overflow thread, the loader can only controlled directly during the showpage event processing.

To solve this issue and control the loader widget at anytime, you must execute it asynchronously. This can be achieved by putting it into a setTimeout() callback.

function showLoader() {
    }, 1);

function hideLoader() {
    }, 1);

Note: Some people, as in the stack overflow discussion mentioned above, use a solution based Javascript’s setInterval() method. It did not work reliably in my experience, and the intend of setInterval() is to execute something periodically. In our case, we want to control the loader widget only once. So setTimout() better fits to out intention.

http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/jquery-mobile-controlling-loading-animation-at-any-time/feed/ 0
Prevent jQM from truncating a Button Label http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/prevent-jqm-from-truncating-a-button-label/ http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/prevent-jqm-from-truncating-a-button-label/#respond Sun, 22 Dec 2013 09:29:23 +0000 http://www.bar54.de/blog/?p=524 jQuery Mobile has been designed for responsiveness and to adapt the UI to different devices and screen sizes. One of the according features is to automatically truncate the labels of UI elements if they would not fit to the screen otherwise.

The automatic truncation and replacements with ellipsis (…, three points in a row) works fine for the majority of elements. However, sometimes, especially for very short labels (e.g. “GO”), you will ensure the label to be presented.

This can be achieved with CSS. It is recommended to specify the CSS below explicitly for particular elements to prevent the jQM’s responsiveness for the rest of the user interface.


.searchform .ui-input-btn { 
  white-space: nowrap !important; 
  overflow: visible !important; 


<div class="searchform">
  <input type="submit" value="GO">
http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/prevent-jqm-from-truncating-a-button-label/feed/ 0
jQuery Mobile Icon Pack and iOS 7 Retina Devices http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/jquery-mobile-icon-pack-and-ios-7-retina-devices/ http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/jquery-mobile-icon-pack-and-ios-7-retina-devices/#respond Sun, 15 Dec 2013 21:27:13 +0000 http://www.bar54.de/blog/?p=522 Note: Update to jQM 1.4 recommended
After using jQuery Mobile 1.4 for some time now, I would defenitely recommend to upgrade to this new version providing a good build in icon support.

The jQuery Mobile Icon Pack provided by Andy Matthews is a widely used icon pack replacing the default jQuery Mobile icons with enhanced Font Awesome icons. These icons allow for higher quality then default icons (jQuery Mobile version < 1.4). However, this icon pack was created before iOS 7 has been released. Meanwhile Apple makes use of a higher resolution image processing. With this enhancement, there is also a change in processing CSS background size definitions in the context of media queries. As identified by Andy Crone on StackOverflow, it is required to explicitly reset the background images sizes. This must also be done for the jQuery Mobile Icon pack to make the icons work on iOS 7 devices.

To fix this, add the following css definitions to your CSS:

only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),
only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx){
    .ui-icon-plus, .ui-icon-minus, .ui-icon-delete, .ui-icon-arrow-r,
    .ui-icon-arrow-l, .ui-icon-arrow-u, .ui-icon-arrow-d, .ui-icon-check,
    .ui-icon-gear, .ui-icon-refresh, .ui-icon-forward, .ui-icon-back,
    .ui-icon-grid, .ui-icon-star, .ui-icon-alert, .ui-icon-info2, .ui-icon-home, .ui-icon-search, .ui-icon-searchfield:after,
    .ui-icon-checkbox-off, .ui-icon-checkbox-on, .ui-icon-radio-off, .ui-icon-radio-on, .ui-icon-email , .ui-icon-page,
    .ui-icon-question , .ui-icon-foursquare, .ui-icon-dollar , .ui-icon-euro,
    .ui-icon-pound , .ui-icon-apple , .ui-icon-chat , .ui-icon-trash , .ui-icon-mappin , .ui-icon-direction,
    .ui-icon-heart , .ui-icon-wrench , .ui-icon-play , .ui-icon-pause , .ui-icon-stop , .ui-icon-person , .ui-icon-music,
    .ui-icon-wifi , .ui-icon-phone , .ui-icon-power ,
    .ui-icon-lightning , .ui-icon-drink , .ui-icon-android {
        -moz-background-size: 774px 54px;
        -o-background-size: 774px 54px;
        -webkit-background-size: 774px 54px;
        background-size: 774px 54px;
    .ui-icon:before { margin-left: 4px; }

Note that this media query has been specified for a pixel ration of 2 as used by iOS 7.

http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/jquery-mobile-icon-pack-and-ios-7-retina-devices/feed/ 0
PhoneGap app: Fix iOS 7 Status Bar http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/phonegap-app-fix-ios-7-status-bar/ http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/phonegap-app-fix-ios-7-status-bar/#respond Sun, 15 Dec 2013 15:28:38 +0000 http://www.bar54.de/blog/?p=514 The new iOS 7 comes with a slightly changed status bar (the one presenting time, battery status, etc.). While the update is just about a smooth integration with total app, this has a big change to PhoneGap based apps, especially when using a fixed header.

Using a fixed header means, the header will remain under the status bar, but the content will slight under the header but will be visible again under the transparent status bar.
The reason for this is, the webView container consumes the device’s complete screen including the status bar area (just in the background).

Even the november 2013th PhoneGap release (3.3) does not fix this issue. However, different approaches exist in the web. They can be categorized into web-technology only and native iOS solutions. While the former let’s you stay in your web technology world as much as possible, the later is more performant and let’s you keep your PhoneGap app a little bit more platform independent.

HTML/CSS/JavaScript Solution

Many such solutions can be found on stackoverflow and in blogs. However, the most reasonable I found and successfully used is described by cornbeast R&D. It just made some minor modifications to make it work on all iOS devices and support jQuery Mobile headers and panels:

Add the following CSS definitions:

* Styles to fix the new iOS 7 transparent status bar
#ios7statusbar {
.ios7 .ui-page, .ios7 .ui-header, .ios7 .ui-pane {
margin-top: 20px;

(I put them into a platform specific PhoneGap merges css file to keep the main css definitions clear from this platform specific one. )

Add a JavaScript based user agent detection to your app initialization:

if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad.*|iPhone.*|iPod.*);.*CPU.*OS 7_\d/i)) {


Cornbeast recommend to put this into a $(document).on(“pageinit”, function(){}); handler. My apps already have an initialization block. So I use to add this check in this block.

iOS Native Solution

An alternative is to modify the apps main view as recommended on stackoverflow
It requires native modifications of the iOS app code, but is available when the app is loaded and allows the PhoneGap app to work in a clear container. For example, no need to adapt any margins, dimensions etc.

To apply this modification, open the main view generated by PhoneGap in the Xcode project. By default, you will find it in platform/ios/Classes/MainViewController.m

Adapt the method - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated to match the following adaptation:

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
// View defaults to full size. If you want to customize the view's size, or its subviews (e.g. webView),
// you can do so here.

// handle iOS 7 transparent status bar
// according to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19209781/ios-7-status-bar-with-phonegap
//Lower screen 20px on ios 7
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7) {
CGRect viewBounds = [self.webView bounds];
viewBounds.origin.y = 20;
viewBounds.size.height = viewBounds.size.height - 20;
self.webView.frame = viewBounds;

[super viewWillAppear:animated];

]]> http://www.bar54.de/2013/12/phonegap-app-fix-ios-7-status-bar/feed/ 0